How It Works
Similar to how today’s smartphones receive data, Quick Connect, utilize the 4G LTE data connections sent from local area cellular towers to connect your home or business. A single LTE modem router can support up to 32 wireless devices at once; an optional antenna can be installed for even greater range. There’s no need to install phone lines.
Faster Than Satellite
Experience download speeds between 10 – 100 Mbps (with burst up to 150 Mbps on the LTE Networks). No laggy or interrupted connections during poor weather conditions either.
Connect Wirelessly
Connect all your devices wirelessly with Quick Connect. An outdoor mounted antenna can further help extend and stabilize your signal. The better the signal, the better your speeds.
No Data Caps or Overage Fees
Provide web browsing and streaming video to the whole family or workplace without worrying about reaching any data limits.